Visim physics


Measure, detect and register the measured results

Read the measuring devices seen on the video, for example, by stopping the video at the desired location and solve the task with the help of the measured results. No additional measuring instruments in addition to the writing instruments are required. The measurement situation varies as the demonstration progresses, so the read meters show readings according to the time of measurement. For this reason, the measurements also have a natural scatter and measurement error, which is intended to be considered in the solution of each video problem. Attention must be paid to the accuracy of the answers in the solutions of the problems. It is a good idea to include the basics of error assessment at all school levels, although more detailed processing will only begin at the high school level in Finland. The videos have been filmed from real measurement events, usually using commercial observation tools found in schools.

The videos are suitable for measurements during the lesson, guiding the student’s work when they are building the demonstrations and instructing the students seeing the parameters needed for the solution. In the teachers material it is taken into account graphical solutions that can be discussed with students when analyzing the results. In their own service view, students only see the answer to the task and any hint related to the task. We recommend drawing and using spreadsheet programs to solve the task.

Versatile tasks and problems facilitate distance learning and increase the range of demonstrations. The videos also serve as functional tasks in formative and summative tests and in the differentiation of teaching, thanks to the possibility of loading.