Exercise 3.9 A

Difficulty Secondary School High school/other
Basic Easy
★★ Demanding Basic
★★★ Demanding
★★★★ Difficult
★★★★★ Very difficult

Specify the coefficient of kinetic friction between the body and the surface.

Answer: 0,11

Exercise 3.9 B

Difficulty Secondary School High school/other
Basic Easy
★★ Demanding Basic
★★★ Demanding
★★★★ Difficult
★★★★★ Very difficult

Determine the coefficient of static friction between the body and the substrate.

Answer: 0,77

Exercise 3.9 C

Difficulty Secondary School High school/other
Basic Easy
★★ Demanding Basic
★★★ Demanding
★★★★ Difficult
★★★★★ Very difficult

Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between the body and the substrate.

Answer: 0,59

Exercise 3.9 D

Difficulty Secondary School High school/other
Basic Easy
★★ Demanding Basic
★★★ Demanding
★★★★ Difficult
★★★★★ Very difficult

Specify the coefficient of static friction.

Answer: 0,25

Exercise 3.9 E

Difficulty Secondary School High school/other
Basic Easy
★★ Demanding Basic
★★★ Demanding
★★★★ Difficult
★★★★★ Very difficult

a) How many percents of the bodys potential energy transforms to heat energy during the sliding? b) Specify the coefficient of the sliding friction.

Tip 1: Measure time and velocity at specific distance.
Tip 2: The principle of energy $E_{beginning}=E_{end}$ or the model of steady accelerating movement.
Answer: a) 95 % - 96 %; b) 0,22 – 0,24

Exercise 3.9 F

Difficulty Secondary School High school/other
Basic Easy
★★ Demanding Basic
★★★ Demanding
★★★★ Difficult
★★★★★ Very difficult

Determine the coefficient of sliding friction between the surface and the body.

Answer: $0{,}14$